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Our Team

The History of GreenLight:

Skip McGurk and Tim Doyle began working together at MI Services Group in Kansas City.  During this period, Skip and Tim where part of the implementation team responsible for installing and maintaining large Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) system infrastructures and databases tuning for customers around the world. 


In October, 2001 MI Services Group closed down its Kansas City operation and, as a result, GreenLight Data Solutions was formed on a plane ride home from Los Angeles. 


​Using what was learned together and  prior work experiences, GreenLight Data Solutions realized a simple, yet groundbreaking approach to working with clients.  Take the time to learn and understand each client's business and use technology to augment the day to day operations providing a competitive edge.  We consider our clients as partners instead of customers and this philosophy is were we derive our mission statement:


To develop, implement and service innovative, cost-effective IT Solutions that meet each client's unique technical requirements and business goals.


Meet our team:​


Skip McGurk:  Skip has 26 years of experience in the IT field working with desktops/laptops, servers and networks and was responsible for setting up the first PC network for Associated Directory Services in their Customer Service department in 1994.  At MI Services Group, Skip was part of a group responsible for determining hardware needs and installing and deplying ERP software as well as maintaining a stable and efficient production environment.

Along with Tim, Skip founded GreenLight Data Solutions with a desire to provide IT services and support for small businesses.  Skip is proficient in the following areas/products:

Desktop PCs, laptops, servers, premise wiring, local and office printers, Windows "desktop" operating systems, Windows Server operating systems, backup solutions, power protection, internet bandwidth solutions and has a working knowledge of networking switches, routers, VoIP and VMWare.


Tim Doyle: Tim has 24 years of experience in the IT field working with desktops/laptops, servers, email and networks.  Tim was previously responsible for managing a group of IT staff at Sallie Mae  responsible for implementing and maintaining the primary Novell network, Imaging systems and call center.   At MI Services Group, Tim was part of a group responsible for determining hardware needs and installing and deploying ERP software as well as maintaining a stable and efficient production environment.
Along with Skip, Tim founded GreenLight Data Solutions with a desire to provide IT services and support for small businesses. Tim is proficient in the following areas/products:
Desktop PCs, laptops, servers, premise wiring, local and office printers, Windows "desktop" operating systems, Windows Server operating systems, backup solutions, power protection, internet bandwidth solutions, WAN networking, networking switches, routers, firewalls, VoIP, VMWare and various other managed services.





Contact Us

GreenLight Data Solutions, Inc.

Tel: 855-GREEN96 (473-3696)

FAX: 913-440-0122


PO Box 953

Olathe, Kansas 66051

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© 2013 GreenLight Data Solutions, Inc.

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